It’s been a stressful couple of years, and the pressure doesn’t seem to be letting up. Between COVID-19 and the unpredictable weather throughout much of the U.S., it’s no wonder we’re lacking in the sleep department! If you’re struggling to fall asleep, you’re not alone. Yet, it’s vital to get rest to live a healthy life that you can enjoy to the fullest.
The tips below can help you overcome insomnia and fall asleep more easily.
1. Darken Your Space
Humans lived without electricity for a long time. We now have the tools to keep us up all night. If you struggle to fall asleep, make a concerted effort to lower your exposure to light.
Blackout Curtains
Get blackout curtains for your bedroom. Adding blackout curtains to your space will keep the room darker, making you sleep longer. Consider getting blackout curtains with a timer so you don’t inadvertently sleep the day away!
Move the TV
Is watching television keeping you up at night? Move the TV to another spot or put it in the closet. Putting it anywhere besides your bedroom will eliminate any temptation to stay up late watching your favorite TV show. If watching TV before bed relaxes you, create boundaries for yourself. For example, only allow yourself to watch one hour of television before bed.
Keep Your Cell Away From You
Another step to take is to keep your phone away from you at night. To do this, plug your phone charger across the room. Keeping your phone out of reach prevents you from reaching for it overnight.
If you’re concerned about emergencies, you can glance at your cell during a bathroom break. However, make a concerted effort to only quickly look at your cell and not take it back to bed with you.
And remember to silence your phone at night. The last thing you need is to get woken up after you work so hard to fall asleep!
Jar Candles
Consider getting a couple of jar candles for your bedroom. Have the candles be your only light source for 30 minutes before bed. Candles emit less light and add to a relaxing ambiance. Blowing out the candle can be your last act before you sleep.
2. Consider Using Cannabis
Using medical marijuana for sleep gives you a couple of options. You can use CBD oil under the tongue to help you fall asleep. A sublingual dose will enter your bloodstream immediately.
If you also struggle to stay asleep, consider stacking your medical marijuana. Take an edible at the same time you take your sublingual dose. Digestion will delay the dosage of the edible. This, in turn, will help you sleep longer and more deeply than a sublingual dose alone.
You may have a medical condition that qualifies you for a medical marijuana card. Many states offer medical marijuana cards, which you can get online. For example, if you live in Massachusetts or another state, you can get a medical marijuana card on Veriheal.
3. Cut Out Caffeine
If you love a cup of coffee in the afternoon, make it a decaf. As we age, caffeine has a more profound impact on our nervous system. You were likely able to drink coffee and fall right asleep when you were in your 20s. However, in your 30s and beyond, you may no longer be able to do that. So, it may be best to reduce or completely cut out caffeine.
Consider a cup of green tea instead of coffee for those needing an afternoon pick-me-up. Green tea is an excellent substitute if you love an espresso shot or two. You’ll get a similar caffeine burst without overloading your system.
4. Exercise Early
If you work out after you leave your job, try to hit the gym immediately. Exercise elevates your heart rate. It also increases blood flow to the brain. You may struggle with anxious thoughts. Moving your workout to the morning may make sense if that’s the case.
Exercise allows the brain to move into problem-solving mode. Imagine if you could put that problem-solving power to work in the morning. It’s an excellent advantage for you to manage your daily challenges better. Instead of being kept awake by problems on your mind, you could fall asleep with solutions!
If you can switch, you’ll head into your work day with one large item off your to-do list. Even better, all that increased blood flow to your brain can be put to use. So, you’ll overcome challenges instead of allowing them to keep you awake.
5. Eat Earlier and Avoid Alcohol
A big meal and an adult beverage may feel like you’re setting yourself up for great sleep. But, unfortunately, you’re not doing your body or brain any favors. Alcohol-induced rest is not efficient. In fact, too much alcohol in your system at bedtime can limit your access to the deepest levels of sleep. Thus, it prevents your brain from accessing the cleansing that deep sleep provides.
Furthermore, too much food in your gut at bedtime can lead to sluggish digestion. Not to mention, it results in discomfort as you try to sleep. Worse, you may wake up with heartburn or other digestive issues. Avoid late-night eating by dining a bit earlier. Brush your teeth right after dinner as opposed to grabbing a snack. For the rest of the evening, drink water.
Insomnia can be extremely hard on your body and brain over time. Taking the steps to correct the problem now can actually extend your life. Follow these tips to set yourself up for success. Keep at it even if you don’t find sleep quickly right away. Before you know it, you no longer have to count sheep. Instead, you’ll find you fall asleep right away!